
With its huge rock precipices on almost every side, Austvågøy\'s dominant and most beautiful mountain presents an impressive and daunting challenge. Any ascent to its remote summit is an experience not soon forgotten, especially if the climb is made in clear and sunny weather, as it should be for safety. The summit panorama of sea, sky and neighbouring peaks, with the islands of Vestvågøya, Flakstadøya and Moskenesøya to the southwest, and the Norwegian mainland to the southeast, is truly unforgettable. Attempting the peak in poor weather is a bad idea; route finding (ascending or descending) on the upper sections of the mountain is difficult enough even on clear days.
The peak offers a variety of technical routes as well, ranging from the standard classic scramble of Sydveggen (see p.389) which is also the normal descent, to the Yosemite-like (excluding the weather of course) Storpillaren, up the northeast face. This latter route set the standard for many years, and has become the name that the face is referred to, but as a climb, it has been eclipsed by the huge lines of Storm Pillar, Freya, Genus Locy and The Corner Kick which offer some of the hardest big wall climbing in Europe.

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